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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Materi Listening Part II

The Airbus  (2.73Mb)  (script)  (85Kb)
Listen to part of a lecture on the Airbus.
Alcohol abuse  (3.3Mb)  (script)  (20Kb)
Listen to an MP talk about the problem of binge drinking.
Allergies  (3.4Mb)  (script)  (92 Kb)
Why may allergies be on the increase?
The rise of the amateur  (2.52Mb)  (script)  (19Kb)
A young entrepreneur talks about his experiences.
Analysing Documents (3Mb)  (script) (26Kb)
Listen to a doctor being interviewed about his experience of learning and using English.
Bagpipes  (3.75Mb)  (script)  (87.5Kb)
Two pipers are interviewed at a music festival.
Change Management (3.2Mb)  (script)  (17Kb)
Listen to an employee talking to her boss about the way she and her team work.
Chaos Theory  (3Mb)  (script)  (25Kb)
A leading economist discusses how chaos theory relates to the economy.
Cinema and politics  (3Mb)  (script)  (102Kb)
Listen to part of a lecture on political cinema.
Climate change  (3.32Mb)  (script)  (87Kb)
A radio talk about causes and effects of climate change.
Creativity  (3.56Mb)  (script)  (90Kb)
Part of a radio programme on developing creativity in the workplace.
Crime (4.94Mb)  (script)  (95Kb)
A Crime Prevention Officer talks to a burglary victim.
Cultural Heritage (3.57Mb)  (script)  (87Kb)
A young archaeologist describes a dig that she worked on.
Currency exchange  (3.1Mb)  (script)  (135Kb)
Rachel, who runs a small business, talks to her business account manager.
Discrimination (4.2Mb)  (script) (22Kb)
Listen to Mr Griffin, a Human Resources expert, talking about discrimination in the workplace.
eBay  (4.9Mb)  (script)  (89Kb)
Listen to a business school seminar on the Internet company eBay.
e-economy  (3Mb)  (script)  (84Kb)
Listen to an extract from a lecture about the characteristics of successful ecommerce businesses.
Effective websites (3.72 Mb)  (script)  (89Kb)
A dialogue between an expert in search engine optimisation and her client on improving his website.
Emotional intelligence  (3.22Mb)  (script)  (102Kb)
An extract from a lecture on emotional intelligence (EQ) and how to increase our own.
Engineering projects  (4.5Mb)  (script) (136Kb)
An engineer gives a talk to students at a sixth form college on the latest developments in motors.
English: The Global Language  (3.7Mb)  (script) (20Kb)
Listen to the controversial linguistics expert Professor Mc Kenzie giving a lecture on the future of the English language.
Facilitation Skills (3Mb)  (script) (21Kb)
Listen to a radio show discussion on the role of online moderators in distance learning.
Fair trade  (2.13Mb)  (script)  (98Kb)
Listen to a market researcher asking shoppers about Fair Trade products.
Fashion (3.6Mb)  (script) (21Kb)
Listen to an interview with a male supermodel.
Film festivals (3.77Mb)  (script)  (19Kb)
Listen to an interview with a film festival organiser.
Financial management (2.77Mb)  (script)  (87Kb)
A Chief Financial Officer talks about how he improved his business.
Finding information  (4.13Mb)  (script)  (112Kb)
Listen to an extract from a phone in radio show about finding information on the Internet.
Football management  (2.55Mb)  (script)  (88Kb)
Listen to Paul talk about his career in football.
The Future of English  (4.11Mb)  (script)  (90Kb)
Listen to a controversial Linguistics expert talking about the future of the English language.
Future fuel sources  (4.2Mb)  (script)  (141Kb)
An energy expert gives advice on reducing bills by using renewable energy sources in the home.
The gas industry  (2.21Mb)  (script) (19.2Kb)
Listen to a business news report on the gas industry.
Genetic counselling  (3.7Mb)  (script)  (98Kb)
Genetic counselling in the year 2014.
Global Workers (2.9 Mb)  (script)  (86 Kb)
A global economy leads to movement of people - listen to a talk about Global Workforce Development.
H Back to top
How to treat your staff (4.9Mb)  (script)  (94Kb)
Listen to a management training leader give a talk on how to treat staff.
Hydraulics: water projects (4.1Mb)  (script)  (96Kb)
Listen to this extract from a radio interview with an environmental scientist, adviser on water projects.
Hybrid Cars (2.5Mb)  (script) (21Kb)
Hybrid cars pollute less than conventional cars, but what are they like to drive? Listen to a person who has driven one.
Improving Your Concentration  (2.6Mb)  (script) (19Kb)
Listen to different people talk about how noise effects their concentration.
Improving Your Memory  (2Mb)  (script) (16Kb)
A lecturer describes a technique to improve your recall.
Indian pop (2.23Mb)  (script)  (86Kb)
An Indian DJ and tabla player talks about his music.
Influential Business people  (3.6Mb)  (script) (31Kb)
An author is being interviewed about his book on influential business people.
Investing in youth (3.4Mb)  (script)  (130Kb)
Listen to this excerpt from a radio talk show about the importance of girls attending schools in Uganda.
Knowledge Management  (4.8Mb)  (script)  (34Kb)
A human resources manager talks about how knowledge management has changed and challenged her organisation.
Leadership (3.3Mb)  (script) (131Kb)
Listen to a discussion on what is a good leader taking place during some staff training.
Learner contracts (3.5Mb)  (script)  (98Kb)
Listen to a student talking to his teacher about his studies and how he can use a learner contract.
Learning English  (2.3Mb)  (script) (18Kb)
Two students are discussing their English lessons and how they prefer to learn the language.  Pick up some study tips as students discuss how they like to learn English.
Learning Vocabulary  (3.6Mb)  (script) (19Kb)
A French university student talks about learning English and the difficulties he has.
Lebanon (2.7 Mb)  (script)  (19Kb)
Four Lebanese people talk about their country.
Lifelong learning  (2.57Mb)  (script)  (86Kb)
A radio advert where learners talk about their own experiences of going back into education.
Lifestyle Planning  (4.3Mb)  (script) (22Kb)
Listen to a financial expert talk about lifestyle planning.
Liverpool: Capital of Culture 2008  (3Mb)  (script) (21Kb)
Listen to a local radio programme presenter interviewing Liverpudlians about the nomination of their city as European Capital of Culture 2008.
Logistics (4.1Mb)  (script)  (89Kb)
Five people talk about their work in a logistics company
Managing diversity (4.75Mb)  (script)  (94Kb)
Listen to a part of a radio interview with a business management expert talking about the price that some companies have to pay when they fail to address diversity-related risks.
Market Research  (3.83Mb)  (script)  (100Kb)
Listen to a market research consultant being interviewed about her job.
Marketing  (3.6Mb)  (script) (1Mb)
Listen to a lecturer in Marketing introducing his course and this topic.
Megacities  (4Mb)  (script)  (132Kb)
How can big cities deal with the problem of transport?
Mentoring  (2.8Mb)  (script) (26Kb)
Listen to a writer discussing mentoring in the workplace.
Microcredits  (3.17Mb)  (script)  (84Kb)
Listen to three people speak about how they used the microcredits they received.
Motivation  (3.6Mb)  (script) (20Kb)
Listen to an extract of an interview with a professor of Business Studies about the subject of motivation.
The music business  (3.57Mb)  (script)  (104Kb)
A discussion about recent changes in the music industry.
Negotiating Skills  (2.2Mb)  (script) (24Kb)
Two business people are negotiating the terms of delivery of some new components.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming  (3Mb)  (script) (21Kb)
A trainer talks about a conference in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that she attended.
New Communications  (3Mb)  (script) (23Kb)
Have you ever listened to a podcast? Listen to someone talk about how and why he started his own podcast.
New Urbanism  (3Mb)  (script) (15Kb)
Listen to an interview with an architect who explains about the trend of New Urbanism.
Not-for-profit organisations  (3.4Mb)  (script)  (85Kb)
An interview with someone who wants to do voluntary work on a community house-building scheme.
Notting Hill Carnival  (3.4Mb)  (script) (23Kb)
Listen to an interview with carnival-goer Winston Perry who talks about the famous London carnival.
Nuclear energy - a green energy? (3Mb) (script) (96Kb)
Listen to people commenting on Lovelock's opinion that nuclear energy is green energy.
Oil Crisis  (3.6Mb)  (script) (21Kb)
Listen to an economist and a writer talking about the current oil crisis and alternatives to oil.
The oil industry  (2.42Mb)  (script)  (97Kb)
Listen to a radio news report about the future demand for energy.
Organic farming  (4Mb)  (script) (20.5Kb)
Listen to two work colleagues discuss the pros and cons of choosing organic food.
Organisational culture  (4.35Mb)  (script)  (89Kb)
Listen to a man from EDC, a French electricity company, talking about the values held by his company and the effect these values have on workers and customers.
Outsourcing (3.7Mb)  (script)  (92Kb)
Listen to a business studies lecturer talking about the history of outsourcing in the United States.
Pensions crisis (3.5Mb)  (script) (19Kb)
Listen to a radio reporter interviewing people about the pensions crisis.
Pricing Strategies  (3Mb)  (script) (23Kb)
How can low-cost airlines offer such cheap tickets? This short interview explains their pricing strategy.
Property markets  (2.9Mb)  (script)  (99Kb)
A conversation between a young couple about buying a house.
Public relations (4.05Mb)  (script)  (89Kb)
Listen to a public relations account executive talking about how she got into the area of public relations and about her job.
Report writing (2.5Mb)  (script)  (87Kb)
Listen to an IELTS examiner give some tips on writing reports.
Self-assessment  (3.3Mb)  (script) (30Kb)
Paolo is talking to his teacher about some techniques to help him assess his progress in learning English.
Social mobility  (2.86Mb)  (script)  (21Kb)
A report on social mobility in India.
Solar energy  (3.69Mb)  (script)  (141Kb)
Listen to this excerpt from a radio broadcast on solar cooking technology.
Spotlight on England  (4.86Mb)  (script)  (133Kb)
What connection is there between a red cross, roses, three lions and Jerusalem? Listen to find out.
Spotlight on Scotland  (4.5Mb)  (script)  (107Kb)
Listen to this radio interview with an author who has just published a book about the Loch Ness Monster.
Spotlight on Wales  (4Mb)  (script) (140Kb)
How much do you know about the Welsh language? A university professor gives an introduction.(2.9Mb)
Starting an e-business (2.68Mb)  (script)  (84Kb)
A small e-business owner talks about how he set up his business.
Study diaries (3.5Mb)  (script)  (86Kb)
An English language student is talking to his tutor about using study diaries.
Studying in the UK (3.37Mb)  (script)  (87.4Kb)
Listen to three university students talking about studying in the UK.
Study Skills  (3Mb)  (script) (15Kb)
Listen to a lecturer give advice on how to improve your study skills.
Sustainable urban living (5.57 Mb)  (script)  (95.2 Kb)
Part of a radio programme about sustainable living in Curtiba, Brazil.
Teacher trainer tips  (4.56Mb)  (script)  (132Kb)
A teacher trainer talks about how to organise pairwork activities with young learners.
Telecommunications  (4Mb)  (script) (21.5Kb)
People involved in a teleconference brainstorming session for new business applications for Galileo, the European global positioning system.
The Boomerang Generation  (4Mb)  (script) (18Kb)
Are you part of the "boomerang generation"? Listen to a university lecturer explain the economic reasons behind this recent social phenomenon.
The BRIC countries  (5Mb)  (script) (21Kb)
Listen to 3 directors of an investment company discussing the importance of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) at a strategy meeting.
The DJ  (1.62Mb)  (script) (18.5Kb)
Listen to a radio show host asking a DJ, Mahesh Gupta, about his work.
The future of Europe  (3.4Mb)  (script) (20Kb)
What do young people in Britain think of the European Union? Listen to the opinions of two Liverpudlian undergraduates.
The future of G8  (3.6 Mb)  (script) (86Kb)
An interview with a Brazilian anti-global movement advocate, who talks about the problems his country faces despite predictions for a more affluent future.
The Greenhouse Effect  (2.8Mb)  (script) (20Kb)
An expert explains what the Greenhouse Effect is and the problems it can cause.
The Intern  (3.6 Mb)  (script) (21 Kb)
A Marketing student is giving a presentation about an internship he served in an advertising company.
The re-definition of "old"  (4Mb)  (script) (20Kb)
Listen to this interview with 65-year-old Simon Bullough, who "retired" last year but continues to work for his employer.
The US forever number 1?  (3.62Mb)  (script)  (136Kb)
Listen to a radio show in which listeners ask questions about the American economy.
Tourism - an information office (3.34Mb)  (script)  (87Kb)
A conversation between a tourist information office assistant and a tourist.
Tourism - a travel agent (3.15Mb)  (script)  (87Kb)
Listen to a travel agent explaining what he does.
Tourism - tourist accommodation  (2.9Mb)  (script)  (86Kb)
A travel agent talks to a couple who are asking about holiday accommodation.
Turkey and the EU (2.4Mb)  (script)  (85Kb)
Listen to two people from Turkey discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Turkey becoming a member of the European Union.
Understanding competitors (2.85Mb)  (script)  (87Kb)
Two people discuss understanding competitors in the context of a marketing plan.
US Federal Reserve  (2.9Mb)  (script) (87Kb)
An interview with an economist about the policy of the Governor of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Web telephony  (4.6Mb)  (script) (20Kb)
Listen to a talk about web telephony.
Wind Farms  (3Mb)  (script) (25Kb)
Listen to a radio programme in which politicians are talking about wind farms as a possible energy source.
Winning by design or skill?  (1.7Mb)  (script) (22Kb)
Listen to a racing driver give his opinion on what it takes to be a winning driver.
World music  (3.8Mb)  (script) (16Kb)
Listen to a lecture on music from the African continent.

Materi listening dari Britishcouncil.org

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